Review: 7th Open AutoDrive Forum on May 22, 2017

June 8, 2017| Category: Meeting review| by: M. Junker|

The 7th meeting of the Open Auto Drive Forum (OADF) took place on May 22, 2017 in Lincolnshire (Chicago), IL, USA. The meeting was opened by L. Mbekeani from Harman hosting the meeting and by Dr. V. Sasse, the spokesman of OADF.

The first session was dedicated to presentations by standardization initiatives and cooperations. They presented their work and plans regarding digital maps and autonomous driving. Dr. V. Sasse from NavInfo reported on the Navigation Data Standard Association (NDS) and on ADASIS, P. Jehlicka from HERE on SENSORIS, Dr. M. Unbehaun from TISA on TISA and Prof. S. Nakajo from the Tokyo University on ISO TC204 as well as on SIP-adus.

Next, the status of the working areas and task forces was presented. P. Jehlicka presented an update on the jointly developed ‘OADF Reference System Architecture’. A number of extensions were proposed since the last OADF meeting. The ‘Live map delivery chain’ in the reference system architecture is investigated in an own task force. A. Csepinszky from NNG reported that this task force successfully managed to coordinate NDS volatile data and related representations in TISA’s TPEG format. The next challenge in the task force is the harmonization of lane identifiers across the standardization consortia. D. Ziarniak from TomTom reported on the latest activities and progress in the second major working area of OADF, ‘Highly Reliable Maps’. Two task forces were active within this working area and are closely working together: the ‘MBIL’ task force focusing on the map making process and the ‘Metadata’ task force focusing on the specification of necessary map metadata. At the end of this session, F. Klebert from NDS presented a new activity started after the 6th OADF meeting: the development of an Open Attribute Metadata Catalogue (OAMC). This work addresses the harmonization of the attribute names and definitions in the participation standardization organizations.

The guest speaker of the event was Dr. S. Heck, CEO at Nauto. He gave an inspiring speech with the title ‘Data Driving to Autonomy’. In his presentation, he introduced to the economical and safety aspects of autonomous driving and provided interesting insights to the findings made by Nauto with a dashboard camera that is analyzing and learning from the driving behavior of a large number of vehicles.

As always, the last part of the meeting was reserved for breakout sessions on the major working areas in OADF. A concluding feedback round demonstrated that also this 7th OADF meeting was seen by all participants as a useful measure to bring forward all stakeholders in the field of autonomous driving and maps.

The 8th OADF meeting will be hosted by SIP-adus on November 13, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan.

Q&A session at the 7th OADF Meeting


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