Review: 5th Open AutoDrive Forum on October 14, 2016

October 20, 2016| Category: Meeting review| by: M. Junker|

The 5th meeting of the Open Auto Drive Forum (OADF) on October 14, 2016 in Beijing, China was the first meeting on the Asian continent and with more than 100 participants the best-visited OADF meeting ever.

The keynote speech was presented by Donghai Dai, CTO of NavInfo. He provided insights into the way NavInfo is addressing the challenges of HD maps and Autonomous Driving. Next on the agenda was Volker Sasse, the OADF speaker and Chairman of the Navigation Data Standard (NDS) Association. He introduced to the history of the OADF and its mission, namely to develop industry wide accepted state-of-the-art solutions for autonomous driving which are compatible and work in the defined ecosystem. Hao Liu from the Traffic Information Center China and Spring Liu from the law firm Duan & Duan focused on Autonomous Driving in China. While Hao Liu introduced to ongoing and planned implementations of autonomously driving cars in China, Spring Liu’s focus was on liability and legal aspects. Another interesting talk in the morning session was given by Marius Dupuis from the company ‘Vires Systemtechnologie’. Marius Dupius presented the OpenDRIVE format which is used for simulating, e.g. autonomously driving cars.

The time after the lunch break was dedicated to the presentations of the OADF task forces: the task force on the reference architecture / ecosystem for autonomous driving, the task force on highly reliable maps for autonomous driving and the task force investigating the need for harmonization of localization approaches. The last part of the meeting was reserved for the breakout sessions on the reference architecture, on the process model for highly reliable maps and on the roadmap for OADF as a whole. In the breakout sessions, preliminary results were discussed and further tasks were identified.

With the 5th meeting, the OADF has now also been established in Asia. The 6th Open Autodrive Forum meeting is scheduled for February 16 in Brussels, Belgium.


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