Review: 1st Open AutoDrive Forum on Dec 15, 2016

March 23, 2016| Category: Meeting summary| by: M. Junker|

The 1st Open AutoDrive forum took place on December 15 at Here in Schwalbach, Germany with representatives from the three consortia. In total, more that 30 companies were represented by more than 50 participants in this meeting.

After a keynote speech by BMW stating the importance of collaboration for autonomous driving, the consortia NDS, ADASIS and SENSORS presented their objectives and work focus. For the remainder of the first meeting, breakout sessions were organized on application requirements for HD maps and data, on interfaces and specifications, on the HD format and content as well on the relation between functional safety and maps.

A major outcome of the 1st Open AutoDrive Forum was the first draft of an ecosystem architecture as the basis for all consortia to identify their role and contributions in terms of interfaces and standardization. The second major outcome of the meeting was a list of key questions to be addressed in the context of functional safety and HD maps as well as the initiation of a working group working on first answers until the 2nd Open AutoDrive Forum meeting.


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